Borrowing multiple forms (embroidered canvas, installation, ceramics, drawing), Céline Tuloup’s artistic universe weaves links between psychoanalysis, popular belief and political issues. It brings into play both history and the past.
Embroidery and, more broadly, textiles play an important role in her artistic creations. They are a reference to the history of women?s condition, confined to the domestic sphere, but also to a craft, a traditional technique requiring know-how and transmission. Her desire is both to reactivate these textile-related practices by inscribing them in contemporary plastic research, and to displace them by confronting them with questions, particularly political ones, that run through our times. …
See you in the Bernard-Noël space at Laon’s Maison des Arts et Loisirs!
LAON_Plaquette MAL 2024-25
- Free Carpark
- Toilets
Services :
- Library
Activités :
- Temporary exhibitions
Activités :
- Interior
Localisation :
Place Aubry - 02000 - Espace Bernard-Noël de la Maison des Arts et Loisirs