In “La Mare à sorcières”, we meet Pierre, who lives in the countryside and knows every stone, twig and insect by heart. Then there’s Nina, who has traveled a lot, but knows nothing about the countryside. That doesn’t stop her from being curious, asking questions and heading off into the forest, despite Pierre’s advice not to go alone. There might be a pond there, and witches in it.
But this doesn’t frighten Nina – on the contrary…
Rendezvous in the MAL meeting room (Place Aubry, upper town) at 10.30 am and 3 pm! (duration: 0h45 / from 9 years)
LAON_Plaquette MAL 2024-25
- Free Carpark
- Toilets
Activités :
- Temporary exhibitions
Activités :
- Interior
Localisation :
2 Place Aubry - 02000 - Maison des Arts et Loisirs