Théâtre à Laon : “Prendre corps”

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The story of a culinary tour of France and a “faiminist” exploration…
At the end of the summer of 2020, Solène Petit, a graduate of the École du Théâtre du Nord, was in the throes of mourning for her lover, and set out to explore the link between femininity, desire? and food.
But also the relationship between meat and patriarchy, because, yes: “Is reading Simone de Beauvoir while eating steak a betrayal of the cause?”
And Solène has plenty of questions.
With a live musician, she composes a performative show based on the social codes and symbols associated with food.

RV théâtre Guy-Sabatier de la MAL (Place Aubry, ville haute) at 8:30pm! (duration: 1h)

  • LAON_Plaquette MAL 2024-25
  • Equipment:

    • Free Carpark
    • Toilets

    Activités :

    • Specific theme activities
    • Temporary exhibitions

    Activités :

    • Interior

    Localisation :
    2 Place Aubry - 02000 - Maison des Arts et Loisirs

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