For her new show, Angélique Friant sets off to discover another world, a mysterious world populated by magical, majestic creatures, a world known to all yet unexplored: the underwater universe. “Ocean” is a journey to meet its inhabitants. The aquatic universe is vast and dreamlike. Where a thousand stories are possible. This show immerses us in the immensity of the ocean, where time passes serenely, in the depths where we experience a feeling of plenitude and calm.
RV théâtre Guy-Sabatier de la MAL at 10:30 a.m.! (duration: 0h30 / from 2 years)
LAON_Plaquette MAL 2024-25
- Free Carpark
- Toilets
Activités :
- Specific theme activities
- Temporary exhibitions
Activités :
- Interior
Localisation :
2 Place Aubry - 02000 - Maison des Arts et Loisirs