Mémorial de Tavaux – Aisne 1944

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The Tavaux Memorial highlights the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the civilian populations of Tavaux, Braye en Thiérache, Plomion and Étreux in 1944, and pays tribute not only to the civilian victims but also to the French Resistance.

Inside the church, a permanent exhibition traces the background and history of the massacres and destruction at Tavaux, Braye, Plomion and Etreux. a little-known “Oradour”, these dramatic events shed light on national history in a very concrete way.
A 3.5 km “Remembrance Trail” then allows visitors and schoolchildren to discover the Tavaux of yesterday and today, and in particular the main sites of the tragedy of August 30-31, 1944, just before the Liberation.

In June 2024, the Memorial will be open every weekend (2pm to 6pm), and from Wednesday to Sunday in July and August (2pm to 6pm)…

  • Fermeture certains jours fériés :
    • 14th of July
  • Services :
    • Free car park
  • Activités :
    • Temporary exhibitions
  • Clientèle :
    • Young public


Eglise Saint-Médard, 02250 TAVAUX-ET-PONTSERICOURT

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